Although other methods of marketing are becoming more popular, your prospectus still remains your most important tool to encourage potential parents to visit your school. As such, you need to maximise its potential and tell your school’s story in the most powerful, creative and cost-effective way possible.

Our Prospectus Quick Tips Guide is designed to provide insight into what is needed to create the perfect prospectus for your school. It includes:

  • Why you need a prospectus
  • Creating your own unique story
  • 3 crucial steps to create the perfect prospectus
  • 5 secrets to create the perfect prospectus

The guide has been created by Tony McGowan who has over 30 years specialising in advertising, marketing and brand development. As a partner in The Agency for Education for the last 10 years, he has helped many schools create outstanding marketing projects.

To get your free guide, just fill in the form below

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